Online Ground Water Monitoring of Frankfurt International Airport, Germany
Commissioned by
Fraport AG – Frankfurt International Airport
Project period
2002 – ongoing
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Project description
Frankfurt International Airport is the biggest airport in Germany and one of the busiest airports in the world, both in terms of passengers and cargo transported. The airport extends over an area of nearly 2.000 ha (20 km2) on which a great diversity of companies is active. Fraport AG, the operator of the airport, has the obligation to prove that the activities taking place on the airport premises, such as refilling, defrosting and maintenance of planes, do not negatively affect the ground water.
In order to comply with these obligations Fraport AG monitors the ground water quality on the premises by regularly taking samples and by evaluating the data from multi parameter data loggers. The data are imported online into GW-Base® by the different parties responsible for the data acquisition (laboratories, consulting engineers, airport personnel). The environmental authority in charge of controlling the activities of the airport has online access to the ground water data using GW-Base®.
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