Manage Borehole and Well Construction Data in GW-Base® and visualize it with GW-Bore®
GW-Bore is a fully compatible extension to GW-Base to evaluate and visualize all geological data, well and station construction information as well as geophysical logs. All data required for visualization like stratigraphy, petrography, logs, casing and drilling information is managed in the GW-Base database. With GW-Base and GW-Bore you are able to manage all geological, hydrogeological and technical data in one database respectively in one system which significantly facilitates data evaluation.
With GW-Bore you can create:
You can create new stratigraphic layers in table form or directly in an empty borehole log.
GW-Bore® will assort layers entered in table form automatically, depending on their depth below surface. The coloring of the borehole log helps you to identify the different materials at a glance, and allows you to easily identify the significance of secondary soil types. The display of different materials varies in width depending on the corresponding materials proportion.
New features in GW-Bore 9
- Revised and clearly structured user interface
- Completely redesigned symbol editor
- Easier identification of the active element by hover functionality
- Import of images and photos to borehole log, cross section, casing diagram and sketch
- Site map display in cross sections
- Cross sections can be exported in DWG and DXF format
- Symbols are now be displayed or hidden group wise
- Unicode support and Direct2D support